A Message from the Executive Director
Recently, I was privileged to take a nine-day vacation to celebrate the graduation of both of my daughters from their respective universities. At the same time, I celebrated a most significant birthday surrounded by my family. The timing of the break from my role as ED couldn’t have been more perfect as it was a much overdue and needed respite.
My time away in the mountains offered moments for deep reflection, intentional heart-searching, and to listen for Father God’s voice. I was able to get still. I was also able to rest – physically and spiritually resting in Him. In the stillness of the morning, I recalibrated my trust in Him, knowing that Father God works with and for His people, including our disciples, the staff, volunteers, and donors of CrossWalk Center.
I also understand that Father God’s preferred way to work is through us – you and me. Not just by fervent prayers and petitions which avail much, but also by stepping out in trusting, blind faith. The staff and I experience Him working through us, in spite of ourselves, almost on a weekly basis, if not daily. It is humbling, to say the least.
As Christians, He wants us to make our faith actionable even when we do not see exactly where He is leading us. Why? Because as believers we are inhabited by God Himself. We ARE one with Him. Each of us must trust HIS power that is within us, and trust He is leading and guiding.
CrossWalk Center, unlike many other non-profit ministries, churches or businesses that have journeyed through the unprecedented times we are living in, has continued to grow and flourish – but we’ve had our share of unforeseen challenges. In those tough moments, when hard decisions must be made, and difficult relationships must be navigated, I am reminded of Galatians 6:9:
“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” NASB
I am blessed and grateful for the respite and the reminder to not grow weary no matter what comes my way or CrossWalk Center’s as we are about the Father’s business, bearing one another’s burdens. I trust He who dwells in me and in you.
Kathy Vosburg
Helping to Restore Justice
Determined Advocacy in Restorative Justice Delivers New Life and Second Chances for CrossWalk Center Client Quincy Gaither
Imagine that you have just been released from prison and never want to return. You believe you are on the right path, and your future looks bright. However, you do not fully understand how to navigate the re-entry system and you are re-arrested. You are sent back to prison before you have had a chance to breathe in freedom fully. Unfortunately, this is a true story…
CrossWalk Center called on Restoring Justice to overturn a blue warrant for a CrossWalk Center client. A blue warrant is a type of arrest warrant issued by the Texas Parole Board and is used for offenses ranging from the lowest level of misdemeanor (which would not normally constitute a jail-able offense but may be a violation of release conditions) to capital murder.
Texas law requires individuals with certain convictions to register at the law enforcement agency in the city or town where the person lives immediately after being released. Re-registration is required every year and whenever they move. Failure to register is a technical violation of parole stipulations and is generally considered its own criminal offense.
In this case, CrossWalk Center’s client, Quincy Gaither, did not report his location or register with local law enforcement. That in and of itself is enough to get a parolee rearrested.
Quincy grew up in Richmond, Texas and stayed with his grandmother through most of his young life. He had a troubled childhood and was in and out of alternative learning schools. He had a friendship with the victim for a couple of years while they were both in high school. Although Quincy maintains his innocence, he was arrested in November 2011 and sentenced to 4 years in prison. “I was 17 years old, and she was 15 years old when the allegations were made,” said Quincy. “I was 18 years old when I was first picked up. I turned 19 while sitting in county jail waiting to be transferred to prison. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me,” he recalls.
Upon release, Quincy was required to register and participate in a rehabilitation program. Due to lack of money and support, Quincy did not meet his parole release requirements, so his probation officer made a motion to revoke parole and he was sentenced to two more years in prison.
Quincy was not allowed to return to family in Fort Bend County after he was released for the second time. “I had no place to live once I was released. I needed help, and I needed it fast,” said Quincy. With limited resources, Quincy reached out to Mount Carmel Missionary Baptist Church in Richmond, the church that he attended as a child. He spoke with Sister Irene Harper who knew of Pastor Charles Anderson and his work with CrossWalk. Sister Irene made arrangements for Quincy at CrossWalk where he entered the Startin’ Out residential re-entry program and was placed in the re-entry discipleship intake home to begin his journey in faith in freedom.
As with all returning citizens, CrossWalk offered employment assistance to Quincy. He met with Tom “The Colonel” Harris of New Horizons Employment Services, and Tom helped Quincy secure a job with Igloo. While meeting with a HR representative at Igloo, Quincy was made aware there was yet another warrant out for his arrest. The warrant was issued for failure to register with local law enforcement. This is when CrossWalk Center Executive Director, Kathy Vosburg, reached out to Restoring Justice advocating for assistance on Quincy’s behalf.
“I was hired by Restoring Justice in December 2020, and Quincy was my very first case,” recalls Neha Dubey, staff attorney. “When we were contacted, Quincy needed legal help with an unfair charge that was threatening to undo the huge strides he had made with the support of CrossWalk Center. Just a few months later in April 2021, I got to tell Quincy that the case was being dismissed entirely. Quincy continues to be such a bright spot in our community and to be a part of his journey has been our privilege,” stated Dubey.
“CrossWalk helped me during one of the darkest times in my life. Without them, I would be back in prison…or dead. Pastor Anderson, The Colonel, and Mr. Charlie have helped me so much and treat me like family. They want me to succeed, and I want to make them proud,” stated Quincy.
Quincy participates in CrossWalk’s weekly Bible study, and he speaks with his CrossWalk coach on a regular basis. “Quincy and I volunteer together with 7More, a local non-profit that intercepts prisoners at the moment of release…usually at the local bus station. We often speak about what the Bible means to him, scripture, and how he sees Jesus working in his life. He knows I’m just a phone call away for when he wants to vent, cry, laugh or just talk,” said his coach, Armando Carrillo.
Quincy is working hard to put his life back together. “I have a 3-year-old son, and I want to be a good example for him. That is one of the main priorities in my life,” he shared. “I want to get my GED and a driver’s license so I can get a car. I also love my job at Igloo, and I’m thankful that they took a chance on me. I don’t want to mess it up,” said Quincy.
In total, Quincy served 6 years and 6 months in prison. He was ‘raised’ so-to-speak by the Texas prison system. Although Quincy will always have to register, he knows he must focus on the positive and his future. With CrossWalk Center serving as his network of support, he is sure to “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:14.
Restoring Justice was founded in 2016 by Drew Wiley to provide holistic and client-centered representation to marginalized members of the community facing new or existing criminal charges. They collaborate with community organizations, such as CrossWalk Center, that bolster the criminal justice reform movement.
CrossWalk Center's Man of the Month
A broken home. Bounced around from family member to family member. No real place to call home. No real parents there for protection and guidance. So where did Jaime Gloria turn for support as a child? The streets of Gonzales, Texas.
With a lack of exposure to positive environments, gangs became Jaime’s “la familia”…his surrogate family. With a look of regret and sadness in his eyes, he states “I believed in a gang, not in Jesus.” His grooming came from gang-bangers who sold drugs, carried weapons, and had no regard for law enforcement. This lifestyle landed Jaime in jail not once, but twice for a total of 17 years.
While in prison, he met a prison ministry volunteer named Vonnie Taylor. “I remember the first day I met Jaime about seven years ago. He was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. He looked shy and withdrawn. He didn’t speak. I asked him if he wanted to learn about Jesus, and he politely said no. He was Muslim. I told him that was ok but if he ever wanted to learn about Jesus to just ask” said Taylor. Taylor continued to reach out to Jaime each week while ministering in prison. One day he said to her, “I want to learn about Jesus. Can you tell me who he is?” said Taylor. That was the beginning of Jaime’s interest in Christianity.
Since then, Jaime’s faith in God the Father has grown tremendously. He has walked away from Allah and into the arms of Jesus. Taylor said that Jaime recently attended Easter services with her at her church. “We spoke at length, and he’s realized that CrossWalk Center has changed his life. The discipleship program, the weekly Bible Study, the mentoring…it has transformed him into a positive, healthier person. He feels that CrossWalk Center is Jesus. That his employer, RTI, is Jesus. That all of the amazing changes in his life are because of his faith in Jesus” expressed Taylor.
On the day Jaime was released from prison, Vonnie brought him to a CrossWalk discipleship home. “I remember walking in and being a nervous wreck. Pastor Charles Anderson was sitting at the table eating. He didn’t know me, but he offered to share his meal with me. That hit me hard, and I knew that I was going to be alright” said Jaime. He credits Pastor Charles Anderson for many of the changes that have happened in his life. Jaime goes on to share that “Pastor Anderson babied me because I would get these panic attacks. He knew how to calm me down and reassure me that I was going to be ok. And you know what? I am ok.”
Jaime also credits Tom “The Colonel” Harris and CrossWalk Center for the life-changing job he has with Refined Technologies Inc. (RTI). “Sometimes I think I don’t deserve all of this. RTI gave me a second chance, and I’m so thankful for it. My boss, Dwight Martin, is always so positive. He checks on us CrossWalk guys regularly and always lifts us up. He’s never too busy to stop and listen. He inspires us to do our best…inside and outside of work” said Jaime. “Because of CrossWalk and my job at RTI, I know how to pay bills on time with honest money that I’ve earned the right way.”
When he’s not working, Jaime enjoys cooking baked chicken and fried rice, but he still enjoys the occasional McDonald’s Big Mac. He also enjoys watching movies, having dinner with all the CrossWalk guys, and spending time with family. He eventually sees himself moving out of the CrossWalk home and getting a small place near his job.
July 8, 2021 made one year since Jaime has been released from prison. He’s left the gang-banger life behind and has committed his life to Jesus. He is excited to become a CrossWalk Coach so he can help those recently released from prison transition back into society. As Vonnie Taylor said, “Jaime is a jewel. An obedient servant of God. A humble yet ardent disciple of Jesus Christ.”
Coaches' Corner
Armando Carrillo has been a CrossWalk Center coach for almost a year. He’s felt like he’s always had a calling to serve and believes that it helps him in his spiritual walk to share God's word.
As a volunteer with 7More, Carrillo began ministering to the recently incarcerated as they got off the bus in Houston directly from prison. It is through his work with 7More that Carrillo learned about CrossWalk Center and the need for volunteer coaches.
He studied CrossWalk’s website and prayed about whether or not to become a CrossWalk Center volunteer. This is when he felt led to become a mentor to returning citizens, disciple to them, and share his faith in Christ. He was ready to walk alongside them and help them work through life's challenges.
“Being a coach is sometimes challenging, but it is also rewarding when the person I’m coaching makes strides in their faith,” said Carrillo. “Investing time and effort to disciple someone is tough. You want to see them grow and it’s difficult when they revert to their old self. The key is to not give up and stand firm with Jesus Christ,” he added.
CrossWalk has become family to Carrillo. He feels welcome when he visits a CrossWalk home and is encouraged by Pastor Charles Anderson, Pastor Paul Boggs, and the CrossWalk Center staff to continue his work as a mentor.
If anyone is thinking of becoming a coach, he says “just do it. We all get 86,400 seconds a day. You can't bank the time so learn to give it away to those in need. You’ll be blessed beyond imagination. Seek the Lord to guide you, and HE will give you strength.”
Monthly Giving Program
We are inviting you to invest yourself through the resources that God has given you - your energy, your prayers, and your money - in this work to which God has called us.
By joining our Monthly Giving Program, your gift will allow us to take a planned, long-term approach to grow our Seamless Re-Entry Discipleship from the inside out.
Recurring, monthly giving means low administration costs with more of your gift going to where it is needed most...to our returning citizens. We will be able to grow CrossWalk Center's re-entry discipleship ministry, expand our reach, and widen our impact.
The successful re-entry journey begins here!
Thank you for supporting our efforts and helping make a difference.

What's Happening at CrossWalk Center

15 Men Complete CrossWalk Center's
Seamless Re-Entry Discipleship Program
Congratulations to 15 of CrossWalk's clients for completing our Seamless Re-Entry Discipleship program! We applaud you for investing your time and faith into the program and trusting in God the Father as you live your life in freedom.
We are extremely proud that you have chosen to become disciples in Christ to your newly released brothers. Your coaching and experience will be beneficial as you help guide them on their journey of faith with the Lord.
Congratulations to: Frank Arauza, Michael Cranford, James Doty, Quincy Gaither, Jaime Gloria, Anthony Gueno, John Keene, Kendall Lee, Victor Martinez, Chad McCardel, Freddie O'Hara, Carl Sutherland, Steven Taylor, Angel Vasquez and Charles Williams.
CrossWalk Center Staff Member Becomes a Published Author
Congratulations to Kiwanya Tende, CrossWalk Center's Volunteer Programs & Services Coordinator, on the release of her book, 30 Days of Healing After Incarceration.
Kiwanya's devotional is based on her real life experience. She hopes that it will help bring emotional healing to hearts and minds. The book is available for purchase on Amazon.

Our House Downtown Offers Church Service at CrossWalk Center
If you are looking for a place to praise and worship each Sunday, Pastor Paul Boggs invites you to attend Sunday service at Our House Downtown.
Doors open at 10:30am and service begins at 11:00am at CrossWalk Center, 2103 N. Main Street in Houston. Everyone is welcome.
Intercessory Prayer Requests
God has established His kingdom on earth in such a way that we must ask for help. We ask the Lord for help, and now we're asking you for help. Our men need your prayers, especially as they experience re-entry into society during this ongoing pandemic. Please pray for God to grant our men confidence, peace, security, wisdom, and strength as they journey in freedom. Thank you for your prayers.
Ways to Give
Your Generous Giving Impacts Lives. CrossWalk Center re-entry programs and services, and the generosity of faithful givers like you provide returning citizens a second chance, increases public safety, reduces taxpayer costs, and prevent individuals from returning to a life in prison. Learn more.
“Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God.”
- The Beatitudes
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CrossWalk Center, Inc., is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.